Potable Water Tank, Inspection, Maintenance & Repair Services
Potable water tank inspections and cleanings play a huge role in our business. The AWWA recommends inspection and cleaning of potable water reservoirs on a five-year rotation. Many states are now mandating these guidelines for all potable water structures. IDS will assist operators in compliance by inspecting and cleaning these structures on a regular rotation.
We have experience servicing all types of storage tanks, including, blasted rock, in-ground concrete, on-ground steel or concrete, and elevated steel.
Other storage tank services include:
- Inspections of the ventilation screen and hardware
- Inspection of the hatches
- Removal of all material in the tank, including sediment, sand, and coagulated materials
- Underwater leak detection
- External and internal coating inspections
- Repairs to exposed re-bar, concrete spalls, or internal plumbing
- Cathodic protection system maintenance and repair